North America is home to over 3,400 species of spiders and ranking 7th in diversity of all organisms. Spiders are air-breathing arthropods with eight legs. They use their fangs to inject venom into their prey. Texas is home to over nine hundred species with a vast amount inhibiting Austin, Texas. Not all spiders are venomous. This is an important aspect to Sugar Land Chiropractors. However, it is key to be able to identify the species you might come into contact with.
The American grass spider is a mostly white cephalothorax with distinctive yellow and black marking on the abdomen. It is interesting to the Sugar Land Chiropractors that the males tend to be larger than the females. The web of this species tends to be somewhat concave, horizontal, sheet-like with a funnel or tunnel located off to one side. The webs can be located on grass, weeds, or ground covers such as ivy, pachysandra or periwinkle. Many webs can be found in numerous exterior laces such as fencerows, brush piles. These spiders are outdoor spiders and rarely seen indoors The American grass spider is not harmful to people. Their venom cannot be injected in the skin because they have a small chelicera, unable to pierce human skin.
The Yellow Garden ORB Waver spider can be identified by the dorsal markings on the carapace and abdomen and the elongated hind spinnerets. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors find it interesting that the females of this species tend to be slightly larger than males. The webs of the Yellow Garden ORB Weaver spider are a sheet-like web that is somewhat concave, mostly horizontal and with a funnel or tunnel located off to one side. Their orb webs are complex and can reach up to two feet in diameter. These spiders often build webs in areas adjacent to open, sunny fields where they can stay concealed and protected from the wind. These spiders can also be found along the eaves of houses, outbuildings or even in tall vegetation where they can securely stretch a web. A bite from this spider might result in slight redness and some swelling. The bite from this spider is not considered an issue for healthy adults. However, people with a compromised immune system should exercise caution.
The Woodlouse Hunter spider have six eyes. The females tend to be slightly larger than the males. There are usually dark red in color and have a shiny yellow-brown abdomen. An important area to point out is their large chelicerae for their size. The Woodlouse Hunter spiders do not spin webs as they prepare to hunt at night. These spiders can often be found in warm places under logs, rocks, bricks, leaf letter, or close to woodlice. They have been known to be found inside houses. During the day they spend their time in a silken retreat in the crevices of partially decayed wood. It is interesting to Sugar Land Chiropractors that they sometimes construct tent-like structures in indents of various large rocks. The venom of the Woodlouse Hunter spider is non-toxic to humans and verified bites have caused no major medical problems. Because of their large fangs, the bites of these spiders are similar to a bee sting.
The Carolina Wolf Spider females tend to be a bit larger than the males. The undersides and abdomen are both solid black. These spiders also have large eyes that they use to reflect light. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors find it interesting that they use their eyes to reflect light. The Carolina Wolf Spider have no need to spin webs because they are predators that search and ambush their prey. These spiders usually remain on the ground due to the fact that they are poor climbers. They tend to stay hidden under natural shelters such as the edges of rocks or in their own burrows. When they enter human habitations during the cooler weather in autumn, they tend to remain on the floor. A bite from this spider is likened to that of a bee or wasp sting. Although peopleís responsive can vary widely, the venom from this species has been known to cause necrosis lesions.
The female and male Black Widow spiders are different in looks. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors find it interesting that the female and male spiders have different appearances. The females are typically dark brown or a shiny black when fully grown. The females usually exhibit a red or orange hourglass on the ventral surface of the abdomen. Some females may also have a pair of red spots. The male Black Widow spiders often exhibit various red or red and white markings on the dorsal surface of the abdomen, ranging from a single strip to bars or spots. Often the juveniles will have similar patterns to the adult male. The Black Widowís web is discernible and appears to be haphazard, tangled and crisscrossed. They are usually located close to the ground which can cause leaves and other debris to get tangled in the web. Additionally, their silk is so strong that if you waved your hand through it you would hear it rip. These spiders prefer to nest near the ground in dark, undisturbed areas. Nests are often near holes produced by small animals, near construction openings and wood piles, or around low shrubs. Black Widow spiders tend to gravitate to dark and undisturbed areas when indoors. Some of these areas are behind furniture or under desks. Undisturbed basement areas and crawl spaces within a home are perfect areas for nesting widow spiders. The female spiders have large venom glans and can be particularly harmful to humans. The males are not detrimental to humans. It is interesting to Sugar Land Chiropractors that the female spider can be venomous, but the male is not. However, despite their notoriety, bites from a black widow spider are rarely fatal or produce serious complications.
The Brown Recluse spider are typically light brown in color but can range from a whiteish to dark brown or blackish gray in color. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors find it interesting that the Brown Recluse spider does not have to be brown, it can be several different colors. The cephalothorax and abdomen are not necessarily the same color as the rest of the spider. The web of the Brown Recluse spider is not intended to catch prey. These webs tend to be disorganized and are built most commonly near ground level. These spiders are generally found in woodpiles, sheds, closets, garages, plenum spaces, cellars, or other places that are dry and generally undisturbed. When a Brown Recluse spider bites you it might not be felt and may not be immediately painful. However, their bite can be extremely serious. They have a potentially deadly hemotoxic venom that may affect a human negatively.