So, far we talked about manual lymphatic drainage and what it was and how to prepare for the treatment if it is your first time get one done. That was in the last blog so today we will be continuing the other things I have mentioned we would talk about today. Which is the Top Sugar Land Chiropractors massage in general and the after receiving manual lymphatic drainage treatment. Did you know that lymph fluid is not able to move through hardened fibrotic areas? What exactly is fibrosis? Fibrosis is caused either by surgery, radiation or the lymphedema itself. Therapists usually start with a deeper massage if you have areas of fibrosis that are blocking your lymph flow. The deeper massage is to break up the hardness over time. Do not worry it wonít always be a deep massage there is a gentler massage. Depending on where your therapist plans to move the Top Sugar Land Chiropractors lymph fluid there are special motions that clear the nodes that are in the neck, axilla or groin. Therapists usually have a massage pattern so now they will begin with that moving towards the chest, shoulder, arm, back and your side. The massage is for you to relax while the therapist does this good thing for your body, so it is okay for you to fall asleep. The therapists want you to be comfortable as possible. Now moving onto the after manual lymphatic drainage treatment. Most patients are actually pleased and surprised on how they receive a quick response of their body to this external means of moving the Top Sugar Land Chiropractors fluid that was trapped inside. When the lymph fluid has successfully moved back into the circulation in the body then the fluid is now able to be processed by the kidneys. You may feel as if you have the urge to urinate following the manual lymphatic drainage session and this is completely normal. Some other symptoms you may feel because of the fluid that has been moved around is feeling nauseas or deep aching but do not worry because it is a passing effect. These symptoms do not last, but if you do experience these symptoms inform your therapist about them. If you have or develop any unusual symptom or symptoms, then most definitely inform your therapist so they can adjust your treatment. At times the therapist may teach you a way to give yourself MLD to help the process and make sure everything stays as it should. Most may tell you that you can bring along someone with you so they can record or take notes for you so you both can remember how to do it. If you do not have someone then it is okay do not worry. The Top Sugar Land Chiropractors therapist will provide you with written information that will help remember all the important points. Make sure you understand the hand movements and if you do not then you can ask them to demonstrate on themselves so you can record. There are also videos on the internet to help you.