Before I had mentioned there was another service, we needed to talk about but that was false. For some reason I thought there was another service. So, what we talked about the risks of Top Sugar Land Chiropractors mechanical traction therapy this is for those who have not yet read the last blog. But today we will talk about manual therapy and the different types of manual therapy there is. This may continue on for a few blogs because there is quite a few and you know me I like to get into detail with it and answer as many questions I believe people will have. First what is Top Sugar Land Chiropractors manual therapy? Manual therapy is any skilled or specialize technique that involves putting hands on a patient to help effect change in a neuromusculoskeletal condition. Let me mention a few of the different types of manual therapy so we can start talking about them. One thing I will tell you is if you are interested in any of these do not assume every chiropractor provides the service. So, if I were you, I would definitely ask first before spending your money and end up not receiving what you wanted. First one we will go over is active release. The purpose of active release is to restore a normal soft tissue mobility. How? By breaking down Top Sugar Land Chiropractors adhesions and restrictions that cand help with dysfunctional movement patterns and pain. When one has tissues tension disorders it can lead to altered muscle recruitment. Then you will begin to experience nerve symptoms such as numbness or tingling and in general have muscle and joint pain. Usually, a trained doctor will use their hands to apply pressure. Also, manipulation and movement are being applied in this process to any damaged or abnormal tissues either in the muscle, fascia, ligament tendon and or nerves. What are some benefits of active release? It has increased blood flow, ease discomfort and has helped healing quickly from any future injuries. Does it help with any acute and chronic conditions? Yes, it actually helps treat both acute and chronic conditions. Many use this technique to treat any sport injuries as well. What specific conditions does it help treat? I will go ahead and list them then trying to put them in a sentence because it is quite a few of them. Here they are:
1. Sciatic nerve pain
2. Lower back and chronic neck pain
3. Plantar fasciitis
4. Repetitively using the injury for example tendonitis. (You may feel pain in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, legs or heels)
5. Tension headaches and migraines
6. Post-op scarring and adhesions
7. Shoulder sprains
8. Carpal tunnel syndrome.
So, it is quite a few and I am sure those are not all of them. Last question you may have may beî does active release therapy hurt?î The areas that are being targeted with Top Sugar Land Chiropractors active release are sensitive so there can be some discomfort during the treatment. If you are interested, I would say, give it a try. You never know it can be helpful to your pain.