Owls are some of the most fascinating and mysterious Raptors around the world. Many people do not know a lot about these birds of prey. Many owls can surprise even the most experienced birder. The greatest owl diversity is found in Asia. There are only 19 owl species that are found in the United States and Canada. Although there are many owls in the Texas area, there have been no owl sighting amongst the Sugar Land Chiropractors staff. Owls have many different types of habitats. There are different species found on all continents except for Antarctica. The largest diversity of owls can be found in forested habitats. However, owls can be found anywhere prey is abundant, disc includes urban and suburban areas.

Since Sugar Land is part of a metropolitan area Sugar Land Chiropractors do not anticipate seeing owls. Owls have upright posture and forward-facing eye that give them binocularly vision. The owl’s eyes are not sphering but are tubes that can provide more depth perception than other birds. Their eyes also allow them to see prey from great distances. Up close an owl’s vision is not clear. Many of the owl species have asymmetrical ears. The owl’s ears can be different sizes depending on the specie and this is so the owl can locate prey even if it is too close for them to see it there are several owl species that have air tufts on their heads, but they aren’t ears. These tufts of feathers indicate the bird’s mood.

The air tufts help keep it safe by mimicking branches or leaves or the ear tufts can be used to show aggression or dominance. Although there are areas with lots of trees near the Sugar Land Chiropractors the expectancy to see an owl is very small. The flatten spatial disk of an owl’s face can funnel sounds to the bird’s ears here. Because of their facial disc this can magnify sound as much as 10 times to assist the owl in hearing noises humans cannot detect. Depending on the species of owl it will depend on the type of facial disc shapes and these facial shapes can be used for identifying owls. The owl’s eyes are supported by boney eye sockets therefore they cannot turn their eyes.

Instead of turning their eyes owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees which is 135 degrees to either side. But unlike what people think owls cannot turn their head all the way around. When it comes to food owls are carnivorous. Owls will eat rodents, small to medium size mammals, nocturnal insects, fish and other birds. Owls will also eat smaller owls. Once they have digested their food, owls will regurgitate hard pellets of compressed bones, fur, feathers and other materials they cannot digest. Ornithologist study these pellets in order to learn about an owl’s diet. Like ornithologist, Sugar Land Chiropractors study the musculoskeletal of the human body in order to treat the person. Owls have zygodactyl feet which is two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backwards. An owl’s toes have sharp talons. These talons give the birds a stronger, more powerful grip, so they can be a more effective predator.

Owls have specialized feathers with fringes of varying softness. These special feathers help muffle sound when they fly. The owl has broad wings and light bodies, and this also helps make them nearly silent when they fly. This is most helpful when they stalk prey. Owls can make a wide variety of sounds. Not all owls can hoot. Owls can make such sounds as screeches, rattles, whistles, growls, barks, and hisses. During the nesting season owls’ calls can often be heard up to a mile away. The female owls usually have a higher pitched voice than the male owls.

Sugar Land Chiropractors | Many Different Owls

Although it is usually possible to hear an owl at night, due to the close environment of people and concrete the Sugar Land Chiropractors do not have the luxury of hearing owls at night. Unlike what most people may think not all owl species are nocturnal. How often one can see an owl during the day depends on the seasonal amount of daylight and darkness. It also depends on food supply and their habitat. When an owl is experience stress because of low food, they may hunt at any time day or night in order to get enough food. Due to the fact that Sugar Land is mostly habited by humans, Sugar Land Chiropractors do not feel that there is a good supply of food for owls near their clinic. Most owls do not migrate like other birds. However, they can be nomadic in searching for the best food sources.

The snowy owl may have regular eruptions and sometimes appear far out side their regular range in search of food. A group of owls is called a parliament, a wisdom, a bizarre, or baby owls are known as owlets. Cultural symbols of owls have been found in cave paintings in France, in Egyptian hieroglyphics, and even in Mayan art. Today, many superstitions and legends associate this bird with bad luck, death or stealing souls. The staff of Sugar Land Chiropractors do not believe that these myths regarding owls are true. The most common threat to owls contains the loss of their habitat, pesticides that poisons birds and their food supplies and human persecution because of negative superstitions.

Also, vehicle collisions, wire fences and even well-meaning birders can be hazardous to the owl. In the North America there are at least 19 species of owls to be found. Of these 19 species it is unlikely that any of these owls can be found near the Sugar Land Chiropractors due to the fact that here is mostly concrete and there are no forests. Canada has seen 16 types of owls.

These are the Barn Owls, Barred Owls, Boreal Owls, Northern Hawk Owls, Northern Pygmy Owls, Norther Saw-Whet Owls, Short Hair Owl, Snowy Owls, Spotted Owls, Western Screech Owls and the Eastern Screech Owl. Owls can be found on a tree or from vantage point. Often owls will glide over fields similar to the hawks. Since some owls only live in certain habitats others adapt to different landscapes and are able to survive. The Barn Owl is call this because many farmers use Barn Owl boxes to attract these owls to their barns.

Barn Owl can eat approximately 1,000 mice in a year. The Barn Owl will swallow the mice whole. Having a Barn Owl on the farm aids in controlling the rodent population. The Blakiston’s Fish Owl is the largest owl in the world. This Owl is a sub variety of the Eagle Owl and can only be found in a few specific areas. Deforestation and excess of fishing of the owls preferred food have impacted the owl’s population and have placed this owl on the endangered species list. Being one of the largest owls in the world makes this one of the rarest of all birds