In yesterdayís blog we talked about dry needling so here I am going to continue what I did not finish on yesterdays blog. The three main topics was what is dry needling, how is it different from Top Sugar Land Chiropractors acupuncture, the benefits and risk of it. So, you may have never heard of dry needling because I know I have never heard of it until I started working at a chiropractic office. But you may ask well who performs it. There are very few healthcare providers that actually offer this service and the different healthcare providers will be therapist, acupuncturists, Top Sugar Land Chiropractors chiropractor, and physicians who have had training with this procedure. If you are interested, I would recommend you ask around and see if the office you call provides the service in the first place. It would suck for one to think the appointment they are going to provides dry needling as a service. Also, it varies by state on who can do dry needing for example California only allow acupuncturists and physicians to provide dry needling as a service. No one else can do it in that state so I would double check with your state regulations. Also, make sure your provider you choose actually are qualified to do dry needling. People do not know what to expect when it comes to dry needling and they may be concerned about how is it going to be performed. Good thing that we are going to talk about this right this second. So, the client or patient will lay down in a position that will allow the Top Sugar Land Chiropractors health care provider to access your trigger points. Once the health care provider has identified those trigger points then they will clean the skin. This is important that they do this to reduce any risk of an infection. Then they will hold or pinch off certain areas and then insert the very fine needles into the trigger point. This will then allow your muscles to contract and then be able to relax. What are some other things to expect the day of your Top Sugar Land Chiropractors dry needling appointment. Good thing that this is not surgery so there are no special preparations before getting a dry needling session. But it is always good to ask what you need to ask before starting and what your concerns are. One thing that will help is wearing loose clothing so if anything needs to be moved to put the needles in then the loose clothing will be helpful for the provider. Soreness in the muscles around the dry needling area is common after. It is like muscle soreness after a workout. Do not worry this soreness will go away it is like getting a flu shot you are normally sore but within a few hours or less the soreness will go away unless you are on of the few that do not experience soreness. To help the soreness you can add a warm compress and this will help relax the Top Sugar Land Chiropractors muscle.