The integumentary system is a set of organs that forms the external covering up the body This covering protects the body from any threats such as infection, desiccation, abrasion chemical assault and possibly radiation damage. In humans, the integumentary system includes the skin, which although Sugar Land Chiropractors do not specialize in treatments of the skin, which is a keratinized epithelium made a multiple layer of cells that is mostly impervious to water. It also contains specialized cells that secrete melanin to protect the body from carcinogenic effects of UV rays and cells that have an immune function. Sweat glands that excrete waste and regulate body temperatures are part of the integumentary system period soma to sensory receptors in nociceptors are components of the integral material system that serve as warning sensors while allowing the body to move away from noxious stimuli. The skin consists of two layers which are the dermis the epidermis. These two layers form the largest organ in the body, and it contains a surface area of nearly two square meters
The epidermis, or the outer layer of the skin rest on the dermis. There is no direct blood supply to the epidermis.

The cell of this stratified squamous tissue obtains nutrients and oxygen through diffusion. This layer also cushions underlying tissues and protects them from desiccation. The integumentary system according to Sugar Land Chiropractors is important in regulating the skin in hot and dry environments. These conditions can cause water is first lost from the layer of the epidermis. Extended exposure to water during baths or swimming will cause the skin to crinkle since water adds absorbed and retained in the epidermis. The epidermis is made of four layers that the doctor at Sugar Land Chiropractors is familiar with. These are the stratum basal, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum comma and stratum corneum. Each layer contains keratinocytes and undergoes successive steps in differentiating beginning with the proliferative layer in the innermost stratum vessel containing keratinocyte stem cell. The second major section of the integumentary system is the dermis. This is occasionally called the true skin and the Sugar Land Chiropractors understand that this is because it is supplied with blood vessels and nerve endings. Sebaceous glands and sweat glands are also present in the dermis period the closest that the dermis gets to the external environment is at structures called dermal papillae. These are fingerlike projections in the epidermis and on the palms form fingerprints.

Sebaceous glands produce sebum, which is an oily, waxy secretion containing many lipids period the cells forming a sebaceous gland have extremely short lifespans. This lifespan is barely over a weeklong. The soles of the feet are free from sebaceous glands, those sections of the skin between the toes is richly supply supplied with these structures.
The dermis also plays host to sweat glands sweat, in contrast to sebum, is a water-based secretion containing electrolytes. The electrolytes of the integumentary system are understood by Sugar Land Chiropractors and are sodium salts, urea, and even trace amounts of uric acid. Most water bowl most water-soluble waste products are removed in the urine, sweat also contributes toward clearing some of the metabolic byproducts of the body. The presence of many acids such as lactic acid in acetic acid makes sweat mildly acidic period as subsequent a subsection of sweat glands, called apocrine glands, even release proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, or steroids. Sweat from these glands along with sebum can encourage bacterial growth inform the site of infection, odor, or rest.

Each layer of the skin contributes to the function of integumentary system within the body. The most obvious function is to protect the body from external aggression. While some people might think that the skin is very delicate, Sugar Land Chiropractors know the importance of how the skin can protect the body after an injury removes the skin from a region how much it protects the body. Prepending infections and regulating body temperatures are major challenges in burn victims wear their skin cannot function as normal period the Molly acidic nature of skin secretions contribute to preventing pathogen colonization. Lipids that are secreted by the skin all right just one more chemical barrier which prevents the loss of water from the human body especially in dry or hot environments. The scan also presents the body from bloating an and hypotonic environment. They integument Terry system contains immune cells that R important to clearing minor infections. Sweat glands are necessary for the thermal regulation of the body. Whether a person is working up a sweat during exercise or breaking a fever the sweat Sugar Land Chiropractors understand that the integumentary system plays an important role. Goosebumps arising from contraction of arrector pili muscles can help keep the body warm especially it within hairy mammals.

Sweat and sebum have an important role for water- and fat-soluble metabolites respectively. Excess vitamin B from supplements is removed through urine and sweat. The nerve endings on the skin are important in sensing touch heat, cold, pressure, as well as damaging stimuli. The scan is necessary for the production of melanin which prevents damage from UV rays’ period this damage can come from sunburn or skin cancer. With exposure to the sun in addition to melanin production the skin also synthesizes vitamin D. Vitamin D is important to bone health and enhances bone density which can play a major role in a person’s musculature system and this is important to care a person may receive at Sugar Land Chiropractors..
Diseases of the integumentary system can come from pathogenic infections, injury due to radiation, chemicals are even from genetic disorders. The most common bacterial infection of the skin is acne. This is a side effect of hyperactive sebaceous glands. Wow, acne only causes mild discomfort other diseases like necrotizing fast fasciitis can be deadly even with appropriate treatment.

Fungal infections are common in the skin especially in regions where sad sweat and sebum collect for long periods of time period this provides an environment for the growth of fungi. These areas could be along the waistband of pants comma the elastic regions in tight dresses or underclothes, an even region between the toes. Fungal infections include athletes’ foot, yeast infections and ringworm infections. These infections are usually saying with ring-shaped or scaly rashes, redness, itching, blisters or even with thickening of the skin. Dandruff is considered as both a bacterial infection of this account. One of the most common viral infections and skin in the integral material system is herpes can spread through direct contact with body fluids. There can be periods of remission, even asymptomatic patients can transmit the virus. Cold sores arise from oral herpes forming blisters around the mouth. Next paragraph the scan can be subjected to genetic disorders like psoriasis or albinism. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that appears in the epidermis. Albinism arises from the lack of pigments n the skin. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can result in sunburn or skin cancer. This is especially true in people with low melanin content in their skin.