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Schedule First Exam and Adjustment for $1!

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Try Us For $1

$1  Get a Chiropractic Exam and Professional Chiropractic Adjustment

$1 Experience Increased Range of Motion

$1 Experience Decreased Pain 

$1 We offer Physical Therapy

$1 We offer Spinal Decompression

All Under One Roof

Restoration Health Offers:

Physical Therapy
Spinal Decompression
Chiropractic Adjustments

Try Us For $1

What are people saying about Restoration Health?


“Thank you, Dr. Campbell! The thorough exams and treatment plans provided at Restoration Health are always right on target and create the results I am looking to get. Dr. Campbell has always been very insightful. He and his team take the time to really understand my health needs.”

-Bill Day

Try Us For $1

We are so confident that we can help we are offering:

An in-depth Chiropractic Exam and Professional Chiropractic Adjustment for $1!