Buttons date back to prehistoric times and have endured as the most common fabric fastener. Although buttons were used for thousands of years, the buttonhole was not invented until sometime in the 13th century. The button hole is thought to have been introduced from the Middle East to Europe via knights return from the Crusades. With the invention of the buttonhole there was a large surge in button use. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors can related to the fact that the buttonholed helped to increase the role of a button in fashion. During the Renaissance, buttons became a staple to menís fashion.

During this time jackets often featured rows of buttons from chin to waist. The sleeves of these jackets were tightly buttoned from elbow wot wrist. Menís trousers too sported button at the waist, knee or thigh. Paris was host to many guilds of button makers during the 13th century, where buttons were made out of a variety of material. These materials included wood, bone, brass, pewter, gold and silver.

The button industry flourished all across Europe by the 18th century. Artisans developed many different techniques for making buttons. The fashion trend for intricate buttons was established by the court of Louis XIV of France. These buttons often were made of precious metals and jewels along with fabric buttons of embroidered cloth. The English manufactures invented steel buttons while the French made buttons of glass or glass and metal. Many artists that were famous for other types of art lent their skills to the button industry. The French painter Antoine Watteau made buttons and some of the leading names in fine china such as Wedgwood, Limoges and Staffordshire also made buttons. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors find it interesting that the different countries produced different types of buttons.

It was near the end of the 18th century that buttons were being made by factories. Metal buttons were punched out by dies and die-makers were prohibited from emigrating from England. This was so they would not take their trade secrets abroad. Even with these restrictions, the technology spread, and buttons began to be mass produced in metal, glass and other materials. Extravagant buttons were still popular elements of the 19th century fashion. Diemakers turned out complex designs using scenes from plays, novels and nursery rhymes. Operas and operettas were routinely commemorated with buttons depicting scenes and characters. The Sugar Land Chiropractors have followed the development of different buttons.

By the early 20th century, styles became much simpler, l reflecting the more sedate look other the white-collar class. Around 1910, inexpensive matched shirt buttons for mean and women were available in five-and-dime stores. In the 1930s, plastic buttons became widely available. Although most typical shirt buttons were still made of sea shells or other natural materials. With the onset of World War II there were many advances in plastic technology. Acrylic buttons were made with the left-over material from the manufacture of bomber gun turrets. After the war, the button industry converted almost entirely to plastic.

Sugar Land Chiropractors | How to Make Buttons

Ther are definately a variety of methods. One process was to have molds where plastic slugs cut from a long rod were placed in a two-part mold. The mold was closed, and heat and pressure applied to finish the button. Injection molding was another method for making plastic buttons. Melted plastic is forced into a mold with a button-shaped cavity. It seems to be a tedious job to make buttons the Sugar Land Chiropractors think. There are buttons that are still being made from natural materials.

These require more work by hand than do plastic buttons. Some formerly common button materials are no longer widely available. Such material as whale ivory, elephant ivory or tortoiseshell cannot be made in the United States because of laws that protect endangered animals. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors support the effort to protect endangered species of animals. Horn buttons are made from cow or buffalo hooves and horns. However, it is considered that modern day horn is of poor quality and color because the animals graze on low-quality grass. Antique horn buttons were often streaked and came in a variety of colors. Modern horn buttons are duller light or dark brown. Horn buttons still remain an element of the best quality menís fashion, but they cost as much as a dollar a piece, compared to a half a cent price of a standard button.

Buttons made from mother-of-pearl which is derived from sea shells are still considered prized for their luster. However, after World War II, the divers in the South Pacific islands began to charge much more for their dangerous labor and the price of this material rose drastically. It is easy for Sugar Land Chiropractors to understand how the divers would want to be compensated fairly for doing such a dangerous job. Glass buttons that were widely imported from German are now much less common. The glass buttons were factory made, but they required a lot of hand work under unpleasantly hot conditions. This industry dwindled after World War II.

The common material for buttons is polyester, which is a special kind of plastic with properties that make it suitable for buttons. A variety of chemical dyes are added to the polyester to make the many different colors. The make buttons that have a pearlescent sheen of shell buttons, red carbonate is added to the polyester. Black buttons are made with the addition of carbon black and which buttons are made with titanium. The button making process also requires a chemical catalyst that hardens the polyester. The staff at Sugar Land Chiropractors and the 20th century has seen entirely new clothing fasteners such as the zipper and Velcro. We can now manufacture stretchy fabrics that require not fasteners at all.

Nevertheless, the cotton does not seem in danger of fading away. It is understood by Sugar Land Chiropractors the need to have both utilitarian and fashionable buttons. It is both utilitarian and fashionable. Button technology is not entirely staid. One recent development is a button of superior strength, a ceramic button made of zirconium oxide. In 1993 the Diamond Z button was invented. It is said to be harder than steel. These menís shirt buttons are fired at an extremely hot temperature, then polished and coated with an ivory-like finish. The Diamond Z button is quite expensive to make compared to the ordinary polyester button. That is the reason it is not likely to displace the existing technology.