Just when I thought I was about done I am not. Yesterday we talked about Top Sugar Land Chiropractors mechanical traction therapy and what it does and helps with. Just to give a run down for those who started reading this blog mechanical traction therapy is a technique many chiropractors use around the world to help realign a broken bone and restore any tension to any surrounding tissues, muscles and tendons. Okay now are you ready for the risks? Well guess what there is one good thing which is that there are no long term risk associated with mechanical traction therapy. But some people may experience muscle spasms or pain in the treated area. With Top Sugar Land Chiropractors cervical traction is when there are any neck vertebrae are fractured. I do not think I mentioned on how it is with cervical decompression, but I will at this moment. So, the machine circles the head, and your head will be attached to a harness which is worn like the vest is worn around the torso for lumbar decompression. What it does is it stretches the neck to reduce pressure on the spine by pulling and aligning the vertebrae. Some risks to this will be an infection where the pin or screw has been inserted. A nerve or vascular injury is a risk and that is due to some extreme swelling. There are more risks, but I am giving you the basic ones so lastly will be damage to any surrounding tissue or skin in cases skin fracture. Can anyone get mechanical traction therapy? The answer to that is simply no. I am about to list out a couple of people that are not good Top Sugar Land Chiropractors candidates if you fit into any of these categories. The first one will be elderly people. Why? This is only because their skin is so fragile, and they may be injured from the traction. These left few things I am about to list out can contradict you if you have rheumatoid arthritis, claustrophobia, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, respiratory or circulatory problems and last thing is if you are pregnant. Many people complain about paperwork at a doctorís office being too much this is why because it is important for the doctor to know these things before anyone gets hurt. If you do not put it on the paperwork at least talk to the doctor about it before performing any of the services. But before you receive any mechanical traction therapy the doctor will send you out for x rays before starting this treatment. This is to be sure what exact fractures you have either in the cervical are or lumbar. So, during decompression you may experience urinary issues, bedsores or possible respiratory and circulatory problems. This is why the Top Sugar Land Chiropractors doctor will give you physical therapy exercises to follow with. We experienced someone needing to pee every time after receiving decompression. It was nothing bad besides the fact they had to hold it in all the time. But if any of these happen inform the doctor before continuing.