We know the weekend is for deep cleaning. The cleaning you do not do throughout the week because of work. It is fair for me to say that cleaning is not always fun to do especially after a long day of work, but they have to be done right. We consistently repeat the same chore every day when it is a work week right. For example, bending over to pick up the dirt, mopping, bending down to put the dishes up or bending over the sink as you wash dishes and etc. We do these chores every day. Did you know we consistently are putting pressure on our back when we do these chores? We do not even think about it because it is something we have been doing since our parentís started teaching us to clean. So, we will talk about a way to lean forward rather than hunching. Hunching can do bad to our Top Sugar Land Chiropractors spine. Sometimes receiving cleaning services is not in our budget especially now that prices are going up on everything. So, after bending to get cleaning supplies and reaching and more bending you may experience some back ache especially if you did not warm up before you started cleaning. When one cleans, they tend to lean forward either when sweeping, moping or cleaning off the countertops. You do not want to lean though you want stand as straight as possible. If you experience any of the following symptoms, I am about to mention then you may want to start to seek a Top Sugar Land Chiropractors to receive treatment as soon as you can. One of the symptoms is pain in the legs and buttocks. A second symptom is muscle weakness. A third symptom is discomfort at night or any numbness. When you receive an adjustment from a chiropractor it will help to decrease these symptoms I mentioned. Here at Top Sugar Land Chiropractors Restoration Health, we had people come in that have never received any chiropractic care and had questions obviously. We do not stop our new patients or future patients from asking any questions they may have. We are very understanding to any of their concerns and how it is their first time so they may be a bit nervous. Most back pain comes from just house cleaning especially if you deep clean twice a month. When it comes to moving furniture, you never want to push it is better to pull. When lifting heavy things to clean you want to bend your knees. Many people use their back to lift but you can hurt your back doing that so use your legs when it comes to lifting. If there is a lot of heavy lifting, you have to do around your house a back support belt would be a good investment for your back. It is good to also ask the chiropractor for some exercises to do for your Top Sugar Land Chiropractors muscles because strain can happen either by moving heavy objects or doing something as little as laundry.